The Complete Lean Six Sigma Handbook & Sigma Magic Software



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The Complete Lean Six Sigma Handbook has all the resources you need to succeed in any process improvement environment. From detailed explanations of over 170 Lean and Six Sigma tools to a comprehensive and easy to use analysis software and templates to help utilize the tools in real projects. With this handbook you will have access to the complete package:

– Concise guidance and helpful examples on over 170 Lean Six Sigma tools
– Complimentary 3 month trial access to Sigma Magic software for 130 Lean Six Sigma tools
– Complimentary 3 month trial access to PlanBase software for unlimited Hoshin plans
– Complimentary e-learning for 18 specific Lean Six Sigma tools
– Complimentary 3 month trial access to a subset of Lean Six Sigma training materials
– Complimentary 3 month trial access to Lean Six Sigma practice certification questions

The authors, both Master Black Belts and trainers, have worked with and improved this content over many years. They have used these materials to teach thousands of students who in turn have improved tens of thousands of processes and saved many millions of dollars. They have put all their experience into this handbook so that you too can be successful in this field.

The Complete Lean Six Sigma Handbook can be purchased separately or at a discount of up to 20% in combination with the Sigma Magic software, and the PlanBase Hoshin and Scorecard software, for more details click here.

Checkout the long list of over 170 Lean Six Sigma tools and techniques described in this handbook: 1-proportion test, 1-sample sign test, 1-sample t test, 1-sample Wilcoxon test, 1-variance test, 2k full factorial DoE, 2k-p fractional factorial DoE, 2-proportion test, 2-sample t-test, 2-variance test, 5 Why analysis, 5S workplace organization, Accountability diagram, Activity network diagram, Affinity diagram, Analytical hierarchy process, ANOVA, Attribute agreement analysis, Autonomation, Balanced Scorecard management, Bar chart, Basic statistics, Benchmarking, Benefit-risk-effort analysis, Binary logistic regression, Blocks, BoBs and WoWs, Boxplot, Brainstorming, Business benefit assessment, C control chart, C&E diagram, C&E matrix, Capability analysis for non-normal data, Capability analysis for normal data, Cellular work layout, Center points, Central limit theorem, Change management, Check sheet, Chi-square test, Coaching, Communication plan, Confidence intervals, Conjoint analysis, Contrasts, Control plan, Correlation, Cost of quality, Cross-functional deployment flow diagram, Data collection plan, Data transformation, Decision tree, Defectives capability analysis, Defects capability analysis, Demand leveling, Design scorecard, Designed experiments, Distribution identification, Evolutionary operation (EVOP), EWMA chart, Fault tree analysis, Flowchart, FMEA, Force field analysis, Gage discrimination, Gage linearity and bias study, Gage R&R, Gage stability, Gantt chart, General full factorial DoE, Histogram, Hoshin planning, Hypothesis testing, Improvement validation, I-mR control chart, Individual value plot, Interrelationship diagraph, Is / is not analysis, Jikoda, Job instruction training, Kaizen and kaizen events, Kanban, Kano analysis, Kruskal-Wallis test, Laney P’ chart, Laney U’ chart, Lateral thinking, Linear regression, LSS project selection, Mann-Whitney test, Matrix diagram, Measurement system analysis (MSA), MGPP, Mistake proofing, Mixture design, Monte Carlo analysis, Mood’s median test, Multiple regression, Multi-vari chart, Multi-voting, Nominal group technique (NGT), Non-linear regression, Normality test, NP control chart, One-piece flow, Operational definitions, Optimal staffing, Out-of-control action plan (OCAP), Overall equipment efficiency (OEE), P control chart, Pacemaker process, Paired t test, Pareto chart, PDPC, PERT chart, PEST, Phase reviews, Piloting, Point-of-use storage and supermarkets, Poka Yoke, Portable equipment, Potential root cause analysis, Power and sample size, PQPR analysis, Prioritization matrix, Probability concepts, Probability plot, Process capability, Process data stratification, Process mapping, Process stability, Project charter, Project close-out, Pugh matrix, Pull system, QFD flowdown, Quality function deployment (QFD), Quick changeover, RACI chart, Rare events control chart, Replication matrix, Response surface methodology (RSM), Risk management, Robust design, Rolled throughput yield (RTY), Root cause assessment, Sampling plan, Scatterplot, SIPOC, SMED, Solution implementation, Solution mapping, Solution selection matrix, Spaghetti diagram, Stakeholder management, Standard work, Statistical process control (SPC), Sustaining change, SWOT, Takt time, Team building, Test for equal variances, Time series plot, Top-down diagram, Total productive maintenance (TPM), Tree diagram, U control chart, Value analysis, Value stream map (VSM), Visual management, Voice of the Customer (VoC), Waste elimination, Work breakdown structure (WBS), Workload balancing, Xbar-R control chart, Xbar-S control chart, and Z-mR short-run chart.

The Sigma Magic software includes over 130 proven tools from analytics, Lean, Six Sigma, change management, project management, and graphical/statistical analysis of data: 30-60-90 Plans, 5 Why analysis, 5S+ 1 Audit, A3 Report, Balance Scorecard, Bar Chart, Basic charts, Basic Stats, Benefit Effort Plot, Box Plot, C & E Diagram, C & E Matrix, Capability Analysis, Change Audit, Change Curve, Check Sheet, Closure Form, Coaching Model, Communication Plan, Compare Data Sets, Contour Plot, Control Charts, Control Plan, Correlation Analysis, Correspondence Analysis, Culture Map, Design Scorecard, Discriminant Analysis, Distribution Identification, Dot Plot, Exploratory Factor Analysis, Factorial Design, Failure Modes & Effects Analysis, Fault Tree Analysis, Financial Benefits, Force Field Analysis, Format Data, GANTT Chart, Generalized Linear Model, Generate Random Data, Heat Map, Hierarchical, Histogram, Hoshin Analysis, Impact Assessment, Implementation, Individual Value Plot, Interval Plot, Is – Is Not Analysis, K Means, Kaizen Report, Kanban Analysis, Kano analysis, K-Nearest Neighbors, Leader Standard Work, Lean Maturity Audit, Linearity & Bias, Lot Acceptance Plan, Marginal Plot, Matrix Plot, Meeting Minutes, Mission and Vision, Monte Carlo Simulation, Multi Vari Chart, Multi Voting, Naive Bayes, Network Plot, Neural Network, Normality Analysis, OEE Metric, One Point Lesson, Optimization, Pareto Chart, PEST Analysis, Pie Chart, Pre-Process Data, Probability Calculations, Probability Plot, Process Map, Project Charter, Project Filter, Pugh Analysis, QFD Analysis, RACI Chart, Random Forest, Recursive, Regression Analysis, Relationship Diagram, Reliability Analysis, Repeatability & Reproducibility, Run Chart, Sample from Column, Sample Size Analysis, Scatter Matrix, Scatter Plot, SIPOC Analysis, SMED Analysis, Solution Matrix, Spaghetti Diagram, Stakeholder Analysis, Standard Work, Sustaining Change, SWOT Analysis, Taguchi Design, TAKT Time, Team Charter, Team Roles, Time Series Analysis, Time Series Plot, Time Study, Transform Data, Tree Diagram, Tree Map, TRIZ Solutions, True North, Value Stream Map, Waste Analysis, Waterfall Chart, Word Cloud, Work Combination, Workload Balance, and XG Boost. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced user, Sigma Magic has the analysis you need to succeed.

You can study the methodology in the handbook, go through the e-learning, download the software, use the tools, manage an improvement project, and learn how to work successfully with a team.

Having all this information at your fingertips in an easy usable format will give you confidence to apply the concepts covered in this handbook to improve processes, solve problems, and deliver financial benefits for your organization.

Additional information

Weight .9 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 1 in

Sarah A. Carleton, Suresh Jayaram, MBA, PhD.


Wire O Bound


8" x 7"





Number of Pages


Publication Date

January 13th 2023

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