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If you simply want to understand what Lean is, what tools are in the Lean collection, and how to apply each of the tools, then this Memory Jogger is a must for you.
This pocket sized, spiral bound, Memory Jogger covers the key 25 Lean tools and topics ranging from the history and focus of Lean, through how to deploy Lean, to the why and how to apply each of the Lean tools. The tools are arranged in an easy to find alphabetical order. Each tool is broken down using the classic Memory Jogger questions of Why use it? What does it do? and How do I do it? There are tips and charts to explain the tools further so you should never be in any doubt as to the what, why, or how of any Lean tool. All you need to know about Lean and Lean tools in one small pocket book.
ISBN: 978-1-57681-195-5 (Pocket Guide)
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