The CFR Title 21 Part 117 Memory Jogger


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The CFR Title 21 Part 117 Memory Jogger is an exact copy of the US Government Code of Federal Regulations U.S. Food & Drug Administration, Title 21, Subchapter B – Food for Human Consumption, Part 117, Current Good Manufacturing Practice, Hazard Analysis, and Risk-based Preventive Controls for Human Food, as of October 13th 2022.

The pocket size (3.5″ x 5.5″) is easy to carry around and the spiral binding makes for easy reading as it will stay flat and open on a desk etc. for reviewing. The book is available for individual purchase or in a four pack at a 33% discount.

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ISBN Pocket size (3.5″ x 5.5″): 978-1-57681-257-0

ISBN Pocket size (3.5″ x 5.5″ 4 Pack): 978-1-57681-263-1

Note: GOAL/QPC makes no claim to the original US FDA works that may be contained within this book. While the contents of this book are up to date as of October 13th 2022 from the U.S Government, the CFRs are continually revised and as such they may differ from what is contained in this printed book.


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