Memory Jogger Digital Library – Help

The Memory Jogger Library contains digital versions of GOAL/QPC’s collection of Memory Joggers. It can be accessed through a phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer, etc. regardless of operating system, whenever and wherever you want, as long as you have internet access and a modern browser. (We do not currently support Safari or unrecognized browsers. Please use a different browser, such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge to access the Memory Jogger Library.)


When you, or someone on your behalf, purchased access to the Memory Jogger Digital Library you were emailed a welcome email with details of how to sign into the Memory Jogger Digital Library. There are two different types of welcome email depending on whether you were initially registered as a user of the Memory Jogger Digital Library with a Gmail based email address or another non-Gmail type of email address.

Gmail email address

If when you initially requested or were assigned access to the Memory Jogger Digital Library application your account was created with a Gmail based email address you will receive a welcome email with a link to the application. There will be no User ID or password in the welcome email as you will be using your Google account to access the Memory Jogger Digital Library application.

Other non-Gmail email address

If when you initially requested or were assigned access to the Memory Jogger Digital Library application your account was created with a non-Gmail based email address you will receive a welcome email with a user ID, which is your email address, a temporary password, and a link to the application.

Signing In

In either case you should click on the url: in the email to access the Memory Jogger Digital Library Welcome screen. On this Welcome screen you should click on the blue “Sign in” link to get to the Sign In screen.


Gmail email address Sign In

When you get to the “Sign In” screen you should click on the blue box to “Sign in with Google”. Make sure you are signed into your Google account before you access the Memory Jogger Digital Library application and make sure it is associated with the same Gmail address you that you supplied to GOAL/QPC. You do not have to enter a User ID and password each time you access the Memory Jogger Digital Library application.


Other non-Gmail email address

If the email address used to register you for the Memory Jogger Digital Library is a non-Gmail email address, then you should sign in using the email address and temporary password in the email. You should enter the email and password in the corresponding boxes and press submit. You will be directed to a change password screen to replace your temporary password with a new password known only to you.


Consent Page

On completing the Sign In you will be directed to a consent page where you will need to agree to the consent terms:

If you agree with these terms, click on the “I Agree” box and you will enter the Memory Jogger Digital Library application. If you chose to decline these terms, click on the blue “No Thanks!” link and you will exit the application.

Welcome Screen

When you pass the Consent Page you will see cover images of the Memory Jogger books to which you have purchased access under the “My Books” heading. Simply click on any of these Memory Jogger book covers to start accessing that book. If you are an Annual Member of the GOAL/QPC Memory Jogger Digital Library, you will have access to all the currently available Memory Joggers.

If you have access to a subset of the GOAL/QPC Memory Joggers collection, you will see access to that subset of Memory Jogger books. You will also see a selection of other Memory Jogger books with sample chapters available for you to review. You can purchase and add any of these other Memory Joggers to our account at any time.

Working with Digital Memory Joggers

The digital Memory Joggers are always the latest editions and versions of each book so you can be sure you are using the most up to date content. After clicking on the cover of the Memory Jogger you wish to access, select the chapter you are interested in by clicking on the chapter title in blue in the Table of Contents.

While in a chapter of a digital Memory Jogger you can:

Move to the Next or the Previous Chapter

You can move to the next chapter by clicking on that chapter name in the right of the toolbar at the top of the screen. Similarly, you can go back a chapter by clicking on the name of the previous chapter in the left of the toolbar at the top of the screen.

Resize the Screen

You can resize the text or graphics to suit your viewing style using the normal screen sizing options of your browser and operating system.

Add Personal Notes and Links to Files

At any point in a chapter you can add a note or a link to a file by clicking on the pen icon.

These notes and files can act as a reminder, training aid, etc. and are private to you. Simply enter the text of the note you want to make in the box and press save. If you want to add a link to a file enter the url of the file in the “Link” box. These files could be example documents, templates, case studies, good practices across your organization, etc. Note that GOAL/QPC does not upload any files to the Memory Jogger Digital Library application, these urls are simply links to your files on your systems/drives. This could be a share drive, Google drive etc. At all times the ability to access the files at these links will respect the security of the location on which the files are stored.

Adding Notes and Links to Files for a Group

If you are a trainer, consultant, leader in an organization etc. and want to communicate with a group of people about a particular part of a book you can add notes or links to files which can be made accessible to a whole group of users. These notes and files can act as an additional learning suggestion, reminder, training aid, etc. Simply enter the text of the note you want to make in the box, check the box of the Group you wish to have access to this note, and press save. Similarly if you want to add a link to a file enter the url of the file in the “Link” box, check the box of the Group you wish to have access to this file, and press save. These files could be example documents, templates, case studies, good practices, etc. Note that GOAL/QPC does not upload any files to the application, these urls are simply links to your files on your systems/drives. This could be a share drive, Google drive etc. At all times, the ability of the members of the group to access the files at these links will respect the security of the location on which the files are stored. Please contact GOAL/QPC if you wish to set up a group and use this feature.



Working with the Toolbar

MemoryJoggerDigitalLibrary – Click on this text at the top left of the application window toolbar at any time to go back to the Welcome Screen.

Sign out – Click on this text at the top left of the application window toolbar at any time to sign out of the application. Note you will have to re-enter your sign in information the next time you wish to access the application. If you do not want to have to enter sign in information the next time you access the application simply close the browser window.

Search – To search for a word or term through all the books that you have access to, enter the word/term you are searching for in this box and click on “Go” beside it. Note the search tool is a full word search meaning you must type in all the letters of the word you are searching for. When the search is complete you can click on any of the blue links in the search result table to go to the chapter that contains the word/term you were searching for.

Please note that by there is no book download or book/print print facility in the Memory Jogger Digital Library. If you wish to have a printed copy of a particular Memory Jogger click on the blue “hard copy” link under the cover page of the Memory Jogger book you are interested in. This will direct you to the GOAL/QPC website where you can purchase the hard copy of the book.


From within the Memory Jogger Digital Library and using standard apps and extensions built into modern browsers such as Chrome, Edge, you can read the text of your Memory Jogger in your preferred language.

Custom Digital Memory Joggers

Working with GOAL/QPC you can create your own custom digital Memory Jogger. You can add new chapters/tools to an existing Memory Jogger from the GOAL/QPC portfolio of tools. You can add new chapters your own content, add/edit specific content to a chapter, delete a chapter/tool, change words/terms, or add an extra upfront training/communication chapter specific to your organization. Please contact GOAL/QPC if you are interested in custom Memory Joggers for your organization.

Purchasing the Hard Copy Version

If at any time you wish to purchase the hard copy of a Memory Jogger, click on the blue “hard copy” link under the cover page of the Memory Jogger you are interested in. This will direct you to the GOAL/QPC website where you can purchase the book.